Windows Central Question
I am so frustrated, my wife, knowing I am a die hard Microsoft fan, tried to buy me a band for Christmas. I instead got a very nice IOU, as there are no bands on the Microsoft store. We live in Arkansas and there are no brick and mortar Microsoft stores anywhere in Arkansas, so my nearest option is St. Louis Which I would probably be willing to take the 12 hour round trip drive, if I could get some assurance that there is one in stock, which of course is an assurance no one will give me. I have an Xbox one, windows 8, a Microsoft surface, and a windows phone. I have been a loyal Microsoft customer since windows 3.1, but honestly, Microsoft is about to lose me over this one! customer service is becoming horrible, and to turn theyre backs on loyal customers without even giving a possible date for release, just wrong. yes I could get scalped and pay the 350 or so from amazon, ebay, or one of the other greed mongers marking up the prices because of microsofts unprepared roll out, but I prefer to buy directly from Microsoft, so that I at least know that someone will stand behind my product. By the way, my surface pro was my Christmas gift last year, and the "sold out" hassle was similar. So far my wife, my kids and most my friends have gone to apple or Samsung, and I am becoming tempted to follow suit. I really don't want to, Microsoft was such a fine company, please can you find that formula to greatness again!