Could I have make the worst mistake ever?

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Feb 7, 2015
Worst mistake ever

so in december 2013 i wanted a Windows phone (nokia lumia 520) SO SO BAD!!!!
Well now its been abaut 1 year and 2 months and i hate it so much its full of bugs
overheating even if im not charging
no apps that are good only app i like is Sims freeplay
most of the games are c*ap or copied...
i had a android before wich was c*ap too but this windows phone is more more more -.-
i just want a new phone but my parents say nu nu nu nu you need to have the phone for 4 years T.T and im like Guess il get my own money
i have asked people is there a way but i get no,impossible,use app's dude (ui)
buy windows phone if u need it but dont buy it for the software
tip:dont go from iphone or android to windows phone its possible on windows phone website but dont do it

-henry from estonia-

im not pressing off button -.-
i dont play games all day like 5 mins
my apps are closed
i dont press factory reset
it ussaly overheats at night while im sleeping and not charging oh and the bolt gear thing dosen't mean uptate
2 gears spinning means uptate
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Re: Worst mistake ever

I think the many many satisfied users on here beg to differ. If you give me a few more details about some of your problems I can try and help.
Re: Worst mistake ever

Thank you for sharing.
But if a "wrong" phone is the worst mistake you made in live than you are a lucky person
Re: Worst mistake ever

so in december 2013 i wanted a Windows phone (nokia lumia 520) SO SO BAD!!!!
Well now its been abaut 1 year and 2 months and i hate it so much its full of bugs
overheating even if im not charging
no apps that are good only app i like is Sims freeplay
most of the games are c*ap or copied...
i had a android before wich was c*ap too but this windows phone is more more more -.-
i just want a new phone but my parents say nu nu nu nu you need to have the phone for 4 years T.T and im like Guess il get my own money
i have asked people is there a way but i get no,impossible,use app's dude (ui)
buy windows phone if u need it but dont buy it for the software
tip:dont go from iphone or android to windows phone its possible on windows phone website but dont do it

-henry from estonia-

Well good for probably bought a cheap android phone prior to you purchase of a cheap windows phone. Which is why you have had bad experiences on both platforms.
If you ever want to get the best experiences in life, you'll have to spend more money. Be it an iPhone(we know how expensive they can be) or android or Windows the words of some wise get what you pay for.
Re: Worst mistake ever

its me the post writer i made a acc so well im having

bolt and gear screen
over heating that i can't even touch it even tought im not charging
rollbacks like when i uptate my phone alot of my files just go away
some times when my phone turns of while i but the charger in it comes with empty battarey with the wire thing and then turns on and then it turns off again
when i sometimes put it in my pocket or it gets a really small bounce it resets
oh and i have tried the nokia system fixer or what ever it is but i still have the bugs
Re: Worst mistake ever

its me the post writer i made a acc so well im having

bolt and gear screen
over heating that i can't even touch it even tought im not charging
rollbacks like when i uptate my phone alot of my files just go away
some times when my phone turns of while i but the charger in it comes with empty battarey with the wire thing and then turns on and then it turns off again
when i sometimes put it in my pocket or it gets a really small bounce it resets
oh and i have tried the nokia system fixer or what ever it is but i still have the bugs

Bolt and gear screen means you're updating your software I think. The latest software will improve your experience with Cortana and other improvements.

All phones get hot after you play games for a couple of hours. You sound like you play games all day, so that's why its hot.

I've updated my software, but I haven't lost a single file. You should consider back ups of all your data, or maybe you're accidentally clicking factory reset :/

Sorry but I don't really understand your on/off bit. Maybe you should avoid clicking the off button all the time. A case could help.
Re: Worst mistake ever

Have you tried to get your phone replaced or repaired from the seller? What app are you using when the phone overheats?

well i tried but they said you could of given it back in 14 days after buying it well the bugs came 2 months after buying i had done 1 factory reset but its the phone mistake
Your phone clearly needs a visit to your nearest Nokia Care Point. It is very clearly faulty, from your description. Fortunately Nokias come with a 2 year guarantee. Best of luck.
Re: Worst mistake ever

I know people who have bought the Lumia 520 and didn't face these problems. Actually they are pretty happy with its use combined with it's price. I guess that your phone must be defect
Re: Worst mistake ever

its me the post writer i made a acc so well im having

bolt and gear screen
over heating that i can't even touch it even tought im not charging
rollbacks like when i uptate my phone alot of my files just go away
some times when my phone turns of while i but the charger in it comes with empty battarey with the wire thing and then turns on and then it turns off again
when i sometimes put it in my pocket or it gets a really small bounce it resets
oh and i have tried the nokia system fixer or what ever it is but i still have the bugs

Welcome to WC Henry.

Let me try to help.
1 The resets due to a small bounce are probably due to the fact that your battery is a little bit loose. Try to but some small pieces of paper to secure your battery in the housing. This may also help to prevent the charging problems you have.
2 Overheating if you play games your phone will heat up that is normal.
3 If you use SD card it should at least be a class 6 and better a class 10 this will reduce lagging and craching of apps.
4 I would suggest to use the software recovery tool to do a fresh install of your software. See the link how to do it.
5 Be aware that the 520 has it's limits due to the hard ware.

Probably above does not solve everything but please try and let us know the outcome.
Re: Worst mistake ever

It really needs to go to a Nokia / Microsoft care point with proof of purchase so it can be repaired or replaced under the 2 year warranty.
Re: Worst mistake ever

I own a Lumia 520 and can confirm that this does not affect all the NL520 users.

The only thing I get is graphical spikes and slight lags. (+resume, resume and resume). Stuff that you can expect from a low-end budget phone.

+You need to get your phone checked. If you are not a very tech savvy person, don't do weird stuffs and complain when your phone encounters an error.

Oh, also, please elaborate on "full of bugs", I'm interested to hear more.

it ussaly overheats at night while im sleeping
I see you have an extraordinary ability to know that your phone overheats even when you're asleep.
Re: Worst mistake ever

You get what you pay for. The 520 was and is a junk phone running on junk parts. You can't expect a high-end experience from a phone that cheap. While I imagine the experience is far from ideal, it's also probably still a lot better than what the same hardware would pull off on Android.
Re: Worst mistake ever

No further need to browbeat this new member.
Let's find others that need valid solutions and give them good solutions.

Thanks to those that were helpful.

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