How do I sync OneDrive folders to PC?


New member
Dec 4, 2012
Syncing OneDrive folders to PC

Hi all,

I've started to take advantage of the unlimited OneDrive storage with my Office 365 subscription by uploading all of my photos (I'm a photographer, there are MANY) to OneDrive. Problem is, seems this folder of photos is automatically syncing (for offline use) to all of my PCs, which is a problem since there are hundreds of GBs of photos and not nearly enough space on my PCs.

I've right-clicked the folder in explorer and selected "Make available online only" but I'm afraid to delete the folder with already synced photos from my explorer because I don't want it to resync and delete the folder from my OneDrive account. Is this a valid concern?

Re: Syncing OneDrive folders to PC

Yes it is a valid concern, but you can take action to verify your files are on OneDrive.

Marking the folders as Online-only is the correct first step. Next you want to make sure the OneDrive finishes uploading everything before you delete them from your computer and rely on the could storage (you'll see this both on the OneDrive icon on your taskbar and in File Explorer (on the bottom) while you are browsing OneDrive.

Finally, logging into and verifying everything is available on the website will confirm everything is in the cloud despite what your computer says.

P.S. I always keep a hard drive backup of things like photos regardless of the cloud.

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