Will rough scratches on camera housing affects picture quality?


New member
Feb 11, 2015
Guys, I'm using Lumia 720 and I'm perfectly happy with the quality of images it clicks. But now I've noticed some minor scratches on the protecting glass of camera lens. Though it do not seem to make any significant effects on the images, I'm quite worried.

Will that minor scratches have significant effects in the future? Should I repair it or just leave at it is?
Scratches can have an impact but if you do not see a problem now (and the scratch stays the same), then also in the future you will not have a problem.
So I would suggest to leave it as is.
But you could already check around how to repair it. (just in case).

I am not sure if you have glasses. But if you have then you probably know that even if they have a scratch on the glass you will not see it.
Or if the glasses are dirty. Only if the scratch is to big or the glasses to dirty you will notice.
My 920 has a couple small scratches on the lens - it seems bad, but doesnt appear to be causing any issues. I'd worry if something noticeably makes the quality decrease, but otherwise, i dont think they make enough of a difference to lose sleep over it.

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