Windows 10 for L620?

W10 TP is only out for 63x, 730 and 830 now. All the other phones will need to wait for a little while.
And that's not necessarily a bad thing considering the kind of bugs early adopters are facing.
Why take the hard way? When I can just ask my question straight.

It gets a little repetitive when every individual user asks the same question but specifically about their device/location/etc. The Ask a Question section is very cluttered with simple to research questions that are NOT time critical by members who have the means of posting in the appropriate Forum area rather than slow down and delay answers to questions that are needed to restore functionality to devices.

Please see this post from our Community Manager, James Falconer:

Repeated questions from members about "Where is my update," "Should I get on Insider," "Where is my insider," "Why is the blue model more rare than black," etc. etc., etc. pushes many urgent questions off the front page of this subforum - making it far more difficult for those of us who are trying to help users with extreme needs to get their devices functioning again. Granted, unregistered Guests clog the place with a lot of baseless questions as well; but they do not have the luxury and privilege of posting in the most appropriate forum for their not-time-sensitive issue.

IMHO, your OP query is in no way breaking the functionality of your device and requiring immediate attention.

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