How do I stop my font size from getting big automatically on my Nokia 730?

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Windows Central Question

Font size getting big automatically in Nokia 730

I face a problem with my Nokia 730. Very frequently the font size becomes very big and I can't even type my password to unlock the screen, as the key board size goes out of the screen. Only option is to reset the phone and it becomes normal at reset. Any clues? Solution?
Re: Font size getting big automatically in Nokia 730

you've got screen magnifier on in ease of access. switch it off and it should work fine.

handy tip if that happens, two fingers double tap to reset zoom
Re: Font size getting big automatically in Nokia 730

The Age Detector sounds like it is broken. Normally this monitors for you getting old and slowly increases the font size to compensate for your eyesight getting poorer. It's likely you'll need a hard reset or return to Nokia.

Of course some app might have a bug and somehow be messing with registry settings it should not be possible to change. Have you installed or updated anything or run anything before the onset of this phenomenon? (E.g. I think I heard the W10 has odd issues on this phone)

I like the Screen Magnifier idea too. Never used that.

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