Should I upgrade to the Lumia 930 or wait for the upcoming flagship?


New member
Mar 6, 2014
I've been wanting to upgrade my phone and have zeroed in on the Lumia 930 since it meets all my requirements. But with the recent announcement that a new flagship is going to be launched, I am confused. Should I wait?
Moreover, the reason I can afford the 930 now is because of price drops.
Pretty sure that the new flagship will be more expensive then. I hope if I buy the 930 now, the hardware won't get too outdated quickly. I mean, I hope the phone will take on updates for the next 2yrs at least?
If price is a consideration then it's most likely any new flagship will be more costly than the L930. The timeframe as we understand it currently will not be until after the W10 released date in June. So looking around that time or possibly September for a flagship. I'd ignore any rumours of a new flagship coming 'soon' if I were you.

If it suits your needs then get it. It's an ok device and it will receive updates.
My suggestion would be to wait. I was in the same situation about a month ago. I was getting bored with my Lumia 920 and wanted an upgrade. I decided to wait because not only can I not afford the upgrade, but my Lumia 920 is still running awesome and I can't justify the money when my device is running without issue. Not only that, but the mobile world congress will be taking place at the beginning of March. New Windows Phones will be announced and hopefully a new Flagship device. I'd wait until at least after that to see what kind of devices are announced. If there is nothing that impresses you announced then go ahead and get the phone. However there might be something announced worth waiting for. If something happens to my L920 before I can upgrade I'll just buy a cheap windows phone like the L520 or something just to bridge that time until a flagship is available.
Good things come to those who wait. Technology is a rapidly changing arena, Devices and technology are being outdated even more quicker than ever.
Well, a new flagship cannot be expected very soon because a new flagship will definitely ship windows 10 and it is still on early stage of development. MWC march will definitely showcase some windows phone but a flagship model is uncertain (probably not, upgrade to mid-ranger L1330 is a possibility). Since news about GDR2 is surfacing, mid-rangers and entry levels are huge possibilities with GDR2 installed.

By all means i hugely recommend to wait as most most windows phones available are quite bit old compared to other OEMs with killer features such as fringer print scanners, heartbeat sensors and so on and so on..(expect the camera in windows phones). Just wait and see what Microsoft can do in both hardware and software departments. And see whether to stick on windows or move on to other platforms.
I wouldn't wait. There is always something newer a year or two from now. I got the 920, and it does all I want it to and works just fine. The existence of the 930 and whatnot doesn't make it function any worse.

I wouldn't expect a flagship anytime soon, although if you can afford to comfortably wait a few months, than sure. the 930 would be cheaper then too. but if you want something soon, the 930 is the way to go. You're going to get updates anyway.
930 is a very nice phn, IMO. its very much the same as my 1520. With Denim update, you can do alot more with 930(also 1520 and Icon), like take 4K Videos, and play it back on your 4K laptop (Dell XPS QHD 4K touchscreen for Exp)or TV. Also "Hay Cortana" can be used on our phns since we have Qualcomm 801 cpu. and many cool features in photos and customization. I can tell you one things. 930, 1520, Icon are BY FAR(a million mile) better than the Overrated, Hyped-Up, 4 years BEHIND others,.......IJUNK6 and 6+ combined. in every way. your 930 with its 20 pix Camera, Battery, 1080p AMOLED, 4 Microphones that allows for Surround Sound recording when taking Videos, ........................alone kills iJUNK6. So 930 is a GREAT phn.
Wait for the flagship. It will make the upgrade more noticeable. Check the 930 refurbs on eBay, they were around ?200. Not cheap, but you can always sell on when a flagship does arrive.
​If you can go for it...the 930 is a hell of a phone.Is common here people comment to skip the 930 and I don't understand why is a powerful device that fits 90% of the users (not everybody need glance or more than 32g of space), the hardware is awesome e beautiful and that camera is something else.

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