Upgrading from a Lumia 920 to either a Lumia 1520 or galaxy note 3?


New member
Dec 9, 2013
I am torn as to what to do. I love Windows Phone, but also really want a stylus. Both phones have the apps I need. I am just looking at specs really. What do you think? I use my device more to consume media than as a phone
I'm in Australia, and yes, off contract

Anyone have any suggestions of a large screen phone.

I'm looking to replace my now almost 3yr old Lumia 920. I record a lot of video of transport and watch a lot of media (such as youtube). I'm looking at the 640xl, but it doesn't have optical image stabilization which is a deal breaker. QI wireless charging is also nice but not necessary. The other phones I've been looking at ate the 830, 1520 and 930. What should I get or should I wait for the widows phone 10 devices to come out?
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Re: What new Windows Phone should I get?

That we can not answer for you.
The 830 is a good side/upgrade, the 930 and 1520 are upgrades.
New high end W10 devices will also be upgrades but significant more expensive than the 830, 930, 1520.
So if the spec's of above phones are good enough for you go for the one you like otherwise wait for the new devices.

Good Luck
Well also if you can upgrade further down the line after you purchase this device you can try either the 1520 or 830. However I would say to wait to see what W10 phones releases and see the parity between current phones and future phones when it comes to the feature set.

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