W10 on phone redesign concept

AJ Menon

New member
Jun 11, 2014
Guys, I'm studying interaction design and I've been working on a redesign for certain elements I'm generally dissatisfied with on the Windows platform. Just wanted to know if I'm allowed to post those stuff here or not. If yes, which section can I post them in?

Would love any creative criticism from the biggest Windows community!

Thank you!
Alright thanks.

I'm still on WP because I love the way it's made. But we have to agree there are certain aspects we all wish could have been made better.

Think of it as feedback, just presented visually rather than writing it out.
If I could chose to go back to wp8 with action center and transparent tiles I will chose it over any other OS. But it is just me, never had much bragging rights with 3%.
I hope they don’t just drop pivot all together, touchable icons for the newer sheeps (who may or may not come to a knock out of their favorite OS(Correct me if I am wrong. Saw the hand on video and deleted the insider program , really hopes someone correct me )) and pivot for the originals.
The pivots are the core of navigation system in WP. Dropping it, in my view is like more or less cutting a big branch off in the Modern UI ecosystem. From what I see in the Windows 10 tech preview, they seem to be moving more in that direction, which more or less is like leaning toward Android.

However, I do appreciate the part where they have borrowed necessary features like actionable notifications and expandable action center though. For some reason, I feel MS need to bring back stuff from WP7. That was so beautiful in terms of clean visual aesthetics.

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