How do I turn off the monthly test of the Commercial Mobile Alert System?


New member
Feb 26, 2015
How to turn off monthly test of the Commercial Mobile Alert System

I have a major problem, I keep getting these alerts at all hours of the night, saying " This is a test of the commercial mobile alert system, this is only a test"

Its a loud beeping noise that goes off at like 4 am. And yes i've turned off the amber alerts and all other alerts under the settings tab. Please help, this keeps waking me up.

Windows 8.1 Lumia 830 phone
Re: How to turn off monthly test of the Commercial Mobile Alert System

Try this...

Tap on the messaging tile or open from the applist.

Tap the menu dots...
(lower right)

Tap settings...

Scroll to see "emergency alerts" and tap...

Disable alerts from this screen...

This route may not be available on phones under Denim or the W10 test preview.
Re: How to turn off monthly test of the Commercial Mobile Alert System

Try this...

Tap on the messaging tile or open from the applist.

Tap the menu dots...
(lower right)
View attachment 98188

Tap settings...
View attachment 98187

Scroll to see "emergency alerts" and tap...
View attachment 98189

Disable alerts from this screen...
View attachment 98190

This route may not be available on phones under Denim or the W10 test preview.

Its me again guys, i just signed in.

This menu is the first thing i did. And yet it is still going off. It goes off saying -

This is a test of the commercial mobile alert system. This is only a test.

Followed by the stupid loud buzzing sound. Theres gotta be someone else that has had this EXACT same problem.
I searched a bit...

You may have to call your carrier and ask them if they're able disable the WEA commercial test messages to your mobile number.

Not sure if dialing 26237 then typing cancel works on all phones.
I tried it on my new unlocked Lumia and it did disable the Amber alerts.

Frankly this sounds like a malfunction of a local trunked radio repeater in your area used for emergency alerts.
I recently just got an unlocked Lumia 830 from the Microsoft store and I am having this issue as well. At least once a week (in the middle of the night) I get a test alert for the emergency broadcast system. The ironic thing is that it says it is a monthly alert, yet happens every week. There is no way to disable through the text message notifications (amber alert, weather, etc).

So has anyone found a solution to this. I'm on T-mobile.
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I recently just got an unlocked Lumia 830 from the Microsoft store and I am having this issue as well. At least once a week (in the middle of the night) I get a test alert for the emergency broadcast system. The ironic thing is that it says it is a monthly alert, yet happens every week. There is no way to disable through the text message notifications (amber alert, weather, etc).

So has anyone found a solution to this. I'm on T-mobile.

Same here man, same exact situation. Unlocked phone and went to T-Mobile. Someone has to have a fix for this.
Same problem here. Been getting 1, sometimes 2 *test messages* a day for the past 3 days. I disabled all 3 alerts, you can't disable the presidential alerts, still getting these damned tests. I have just recently tried "muting" the text thread by pressing and holding the thread in the messages list. Also of note, when going into the messaging settings, there is an option to turn on/off AT&T? I turned that off as well. Keeping fingers crossed. HTC One M8. Never had this issue on my Lumia 1520.
There is a bug somewhere... Each send is supposed to be coded so that if your IMEI pings back received, you do not get further alerts when moving between cells...

In other words the WEA system is supposed to recognize what you got and not hit your device again.

Basic protocol is to blanket every device that is in - or moves into - range of a cell (tower).

If your ping back is not happening and you move between cells you get the repeat.
I wonder if it has something to do with the state you're in?
I live in Mississippi, but work across the state line in Tennessee. I started getting the messages last Monday in the morning at work, and also in the afternoon, before leaving work. I've never received the message at home in MS, and also did not get any over the weekend while at home. But again, starting yesterday morning at work, message in the morning, and late afternoon, also today.

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