How do I add a Powerpoint presentation to the forum?


New member
Oct 19, 2011
How to add a powerpoint presentation to the forum

Hi, I would like to share a powerpoint file to the forum for discussion. Can I share this? If not what are the options to share this file in the forum?

Re: How to add a powerpoint presentation to the forum

Since you have a few post you should be able to share a link to the powerpoint... it would probably be better to do a PDF as not everyone has powerpoint. Unless it's some other format already.
Can you convert the Slideshow with sound to an mp4 and share it via a video host like YouTube or Dailymotion?

Is an option. Only my presentation is not that fancy. It's a presentation with text slides and mock-ups. I think I could do a conversion to pdf. Only question now is how do I attach a pdf to a post?
Re: How to add a powerpoint presentation to the forum

Since you have a few post you should be able to share a link to the powerpoint... it would probably be better to do a PDF as not everyone has powerpoint. Unless it's some other format already.

How do I "share a link" of a powerpoint file?
Re: How to add a powerpoint presentation to the forum

Put the file somewhere in the cloud that is public. Put a link to it in a post. Done.

I have experience with pictures and videos. But where could I post publicly a word, pdf, excel or powerpoint file for free and then link. Any suggestions of a trustworthy, non-bogus site?
Hi, I would like to share a powerpoint file to the forum for discussion. Can I share this? If not what are the options to share this file in the forum?


I am surprised that no one mentioned
This is the official file sharing site from Microsoft. Go to this site. You will get a link and your ppt will open in the web browser itself.

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