Is it worth upgrading to WP 8.1?


New member
Jul 21, 2014
WP Upgrade dilemma

I'm due for a phone upgrade at the end of this month and am really struggling with what to get. I really really like the Samsung Ativ SE (I'm on Verizon, which I know sucks) but am kinda worried that that phone won't get the upgrade to Windows 10 when the time comes. Is there any idea of whether this will happen or not? I know MS said they want to get as many 8.1 devices on to 10 but this is also depending on carrier and manufacturer willingness.

Is it worth upgrading to a WP 8.1 device now even though there's no guarantee it will get W10 in the future? Or should I just wait it out until the inevitable W10 flagship is released and get that at a later date?
Re: WP Upgrade dilemma

I think most people on here would suggest holding fire until Win10 is released.
Some networks, with Verizon being one of the worst, are terrible for (not) upgrading phones, so Win10 might or might not come to the SE.

There should be devices coming out in the coming months that will be Win10 ready, however even these devices are at the will of the carrier!

If you can, wait...


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