Open call history>click the three dots placed at the bottom bar > select all calls option > select the calls you want to delete then press the delete buttonhave hundred calls to erase one at a time
A bit off-topic here...
I have a friend with a new Lumia.
This person is certainly not dumb by any means.
I have to take his phone more than once a month and clear everything off.
He leaves his voice-mail inbox full so that his girlfriend can't get thru.
Never deletes old texts or the call history.
Forgets to close all the (clears throat) NSFW webpages in IE.
Never clears search history from Cortana or the browser.
Never closes open apps (me wife does this also)
Never knew everything he shoots a picture of ends up on OneDrive.
Not to mention if an app quits he abandons it.
Never checks updates.
...on and on.
Goes to show us how many folks just use and aren't really what we might refer to as "enthusiasts"
Well considering the broader picture a lot many consumers are ready to purchase premium flagship handsets with device exclusive features but when it comes to usage of those features, it never extends above calls, basic messaging functionalities and snapping photos, rarely have I found anyone using it for managing work related files and tasks and when I show them how easy it is to do the same on a phone instead of the laptop or desktop they use at work, they get surprised beyond imagination as how short and easy it would be if they use smart devices the smart way.Another odd crazy thing is me wife was in the IC manufacturing tech industry for years as an ION implant maintenance technician\supervisor.
She has absolutely no outward interest in smartphone apps or anything else smartphones are capable of.
As tech savvy as she is only calls, occasional texts and the camera are it when it comes to smartphone use.
I gave up long ago trying to impress anyone with how "smart" these things really are...
So true...they get surprised beyond imagination as how short and easy it would be if they use smart devices the smart way.
So true...
In my experience on any mobile platform there are so many starved to learn from someone who is experienced.
I've had a number of folks who have asked me about iPhone features which I am admittedly clueless there.
iDevices aren't too difficult to figure out however.
(my apologies to the gallery for mentioning Apples)
When it comes to Microsoft Mobile or Android I can be of some help to my confederates.
You are absolutely correct , if only people do a bit of research through official ways ( cheking support pages, help n tips, etc.) queries on these kind of problems would be much less. Although I must admit that I have got a lot of help from Windows Central members, moderators, ambassadors and all other users of this community that has been one of the reasons for being one of the most active communities.!Seems as though those in the know are in short supply...
...at least outside this forum or any tech site.
What amazes me is so many users bypass all the help Microsoft supplies on it's MM website.
Personally I learned so much initially by using the included "Help&Tips" on my original L521.
Excellent source of basics and many in-roads to so much other help.
I still refer to Help&Tips available on my latest Lumia.
Why read the instructions when it's so much easier to cut and paste blame elsewhere.
Being unknowledgeable via laziness could be cause for most failures with any device across any incursion![]()
Although I must admit that I have got a lot of help from Windows Central members, moderators, ambassadors and all other users of this community that has been one of the reasons for being one of the most active communities.!