sir my lumia 525 is showing only NOKIA ICON on red colour baground?
sir when i connect my lumia 525 to recovery tool update was not successful then it begin to show nokia icon in red background.
1)i have tried hard reset but no use
2)when i connect it to windows recovery tool it shows product code empty
can it be repairable or it is dead for forever
Which recovery tool? Windows Phone Recovery Tool or Lumia Software Recovery Tool?
There have been issues with WPRT for some users.
Try powering off the phone, switch to another USB port on your PC, but don't connect yet.
Start (or restart) the LSRT. Don't connect the phone. Press Power button until it vibrates then immediately release Power and hold the Volume Down until you get the Exclamation Mark Screen
Now plug that phone into a different USB port than before. In LSRT use the "my phone will not boot or respond" option...
User, please do not keep making threads on one topic. It does not get you help faster or better answers - it actually slows down help and creates confusion as people's efforts are scattered.
all night you were charging it, the screen was red with the words NOKIA.
Connected does not help. The power button and volume down pressed, the exclamation mark does not appear.
This all came after he was rolled back with win 10 TP on wf 8.1.
The phone looks dead