I'm not able to download any of the app from windows phone nor able to update it . I don't know the reason.
Please help me!! How to do??
This is not much info you give.
Do you get a failure code?
Do you use wifi or data?
Can you use IE?
Is data and Time correct for your time zone?
Did you sync your MS Account?
Which phone you have and which OS you have.
Looks like a slow unstable wifi connection.
1 How fast is your internet connection. (do you have an app like on your phone Speedtest.net | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)) or can you check it online with IE
2 Cancel all the pending downloads and try again (open the store > tap on the 3 points on the bottom right > download > press and hold each one and cancel the download).
3 Have you tried with a different wifi?
4 Can you download or update an app with cellular data?
Have you tried soft-resetting, or clearing temp files via storage sense (WP8.1) or the storage app Nokia provided (WP8)?
Soft resetting means??
And What is temp files ??