Weave News Reader, how many of you used it???


New member
Aug 3, 2013
I'm really disappointed that Weave News Reader is gone! I think it was the best news reader available. I've looked at others and they don't compare. Does anyone think that MSFT should buy Weave and keep it running? What reader foes everyone use here?
Yep, I will miss it, as I used it everyday.

I'm still trying to find a replacement, but so far I haven't found anything as clean and elegant :'( I'm trying to find one that has both Phone and PC versions.

NextGen you need to setup a feedly account and then create, subscribe to feeds (big royal pain), then looking at the interface of your feeds... not quite like Weave.

Flipboard... inconsistent interface from mobile to PC, subscriptions are weird. Can't quite fine tune it properly.
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I'm kind of mad that the App doesn't work as of I think today! I was still trying to transfer everything over to NextGen reader and now I won't be able to remember what all Feeds I had! :( I wasn't mad about him leaving and I even wished him luck on Twitter. I at least thought the app would continue to work though!

The thing that sucks about Nextgen is that I had to make a Feedly account in the first place. Also they both can't find some of the feeds I was easily able to find in Weave.

Also I used it DAILY! It was in my top 5 of most used apps daily.
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I'm using NextGen reader, but I didn't have to create a Feedly account. Started using it last week, when I heard of the demise of Weave.
Really liked Weave, used it daily, sorry to see it go, but, like Laura said, it had problems for approx. the last 6 months.
I had to create a Feedly account in order to find some of the sites that Weave picked up easily through the App. The Feedly account was created so I could use it on my desktop where it actually finds some of the sites I was looking for through the phone App. For example Austin Fit Magazine and some Reddit fitness sites I had saved.

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