Lumia 730 battery life

Dinu Ciobanu

New member
Feb 10, 2015
I know people talked a lot about this, but I couldn't find anything that gets close to my usage so let me ask.
How is battery life on your Lumia 730 while browsing web. Because mine drains 6-8% every 20minutes on wifi up to 9% every 20 minutes on 3g. Same goes if I use tubecast. Everything else seems to be fine though. Is this usage normal or could I do something to lower it?
Thanks in advance.
Same is happening to me now. My phone depletes from 100% - 90% in just 30 mins even when browsing photos only. But from 80% downwards its starts to decreases just fine.. plus it takes like 15-20 mins charging from 99% -100% are these normal on this phone?
Same is happening to me now. My phone depletes from 100% - 90% in just 30 mins even when browsing photos only. But from 80% downwards its starts to decreases just fine.. plus it takes like 15-20 mins charging from 99% -100% are these normal on this phone?
Yeah, this is similar to my experience with the device. The usage curve on newer Lumia devices is quite different to the older generation. Older Lumias used to spend hours at 100% then drop steadily (my 1320 was particularly good at that). I think the way they calibrate them now is probably more honest but does promote battery drain panic a little more. Actually the battery life of my 735 is far better than all of the older generation (except 1520/1320) it just falls off the 100% a lot quicker giving the illusion that it drains quicker.
I noticed that phones and their battery meters can be a bit quirky.

I think that's normal.

A 920, 830, and 635 have passed through my hands.

The 920 sticks at 100 for a while and is otherwise normal. Once it hits 45% though, it goes down faster until it hits 20% and battery saver kicks in.

The 830 lasts much much longer but it quickly appears to drop down to maybe 75-85% but then it just goes slowly from there.

The 635 is more consistent.

As long as total battery life is good, i don't think any of you have to be worried.

As for 99%-100% charging, that sounds about right.

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