how to scan qr code after lumia denim update in lumia 625

Rishabh Garg

New member
May 10, 2014
After the update I m unable to scan the qr code bcoz when I press the search button Cortana comes up pls help
Not easier if you want to use location services or Cortana though

Well he cant use both at the same time..when he wants Cortana he can just turn on location from action centre...and when he wants qr code functionality he can turn off location...its quite simple then going through the lengthier process!
That's quite a neat trick, I thought you had to turn both off separately, which is why I said at first it wasn't easier.
Never really used Bing Vision myself so never had a need to get it back before.

I remember reading about that app though.
That's quite a neat trick, I thought you had to turn both off separately, which is why I said at first it wasn't easier.
Never really used Bing Vision myself so never had a need to get it back before.

I remember reading about that app though.

Yea...its quite neat moreover I have posted a app link..which only creates a shortcut and therefore you don't have to even turn off anything..
Yea..same here dont need the qr code function.......ocassionally need it for authentication of apps and geting info from qr...but there are many who use it for work purposes so...quite useful trick...! Saves a lot of time.
Thanks guys but I think so something is wrong wid my phone
When I select the lens option it is showing option to add more lens from the store whereas I have almost all the Lumia photography apps also after using the qr for Cortana the same page turns up where it gives link to add more lens
So inshort Bing vision has all together lost somewhere

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