Windows Central Question
App to Connect with Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor
I have a heart rate monitor that can connect to my phone via Bluetooth. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with an app. I'm looking for an app that can connect to Bluetooth heart rate monitors and display information such as average heart rate, etc. I've looked at apps like this one: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/runtastic-pro/3413849c-1959-e011-854c-00237de2db9e but they give the impression that they're only compatible with THEIR heart rate monitors.
I have a heart rate monitor that can connect to my phone via Bluetooth. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with an app. I'm looking for an app that can connect to Bluetooth heart rate monitors and display information such as average heart rate, etc. I've looked at apps like this one: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/runtastic-pro/3413849c-1959-e011-854c-00237de2db9e but they give the impression that they're only compatible with THEIR heart rate monitors.