How to Obtain WP8.1 GDR2 without W10 TP?

Vincentius Dalton

New member
May 28, 2014
I heard that some Windows Insider-registered Lumias receive WP8.1 GDR2 before actually receiving W10 TP. Running unfinished OS is not really my cup of cake, so I'll pass installing W10 TP. However, I'm sure that many of us are interested in WP8.1 GDR2 with its security enhancements and Bluetooth keyboard.

How do you ensure that when you register your Lumia for Windows Insider, you receive WP8.1 GDR2 first? i.e. How do you ensure that you don't install W10 TP directly?

I use Lumia 625H if it means anything.
only a select devices are getting the gdr2 update before the new build of win10 . as of now no such device list is provided by microsoft which will recieve both the update. you could give a try yourself. ;) good day
I managed to do this with my L1520. First I installed wp10tp yesterday, but didn't like it, even couldn't have my contacts restored. So, today I used Lumia Software Recovery, then using windows insider started downloading GDR2 and deleted windows insider from the phone, so now I have only GDR2. My problem is I wanted to do the same with my wife's L822. The update is downloaded and is trying to install WP10 at once, without GDR2. I don't want it. So how can I cancel this update if it's already downloaded but not set up. If I don't cancel it, it will be set up automatically on the 15th of April. Does anybody know what to do?

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