When WhatsApp will be updated for windows phone?


New member
Apr 16, 2015
Hi there! WhatsApp for Android versions got updated with voice features and UI. when windows phones will get those updates . ?
WhatsApp is not owned by Microsoft or Google. It is owned by Facebook. Facebook makes the decision whether or not to update, not Microsoft or Google.
The Facebook app was last updated in January if I'm not mistaken. The beta app appears to be dead. Looks like Facebook is no longer in the Windows phone business. Be afraid... Be very afraid.
I know that laura What's my opinion is why windows phones users are not given the facility what is there in android.😐

Hi Krish, welcome to windows central. Get used to this, we can whine all we want, but updates r all in the hands of the devs, in this case facebook. You could try mailing them though.

The Facebook app was last updated in January if I'm not mistaken. The beta app appears to be dead. Looks like Facebook is no longer in the Windows phone business. Be afraid... Be very afraid.

The facebook app was made by Microsoft with a bit of help from fb. Besides looks like fb is slowly approaching it's deathbed now, while watching snap chat & instagram take over.

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