What is UEFI error 1? how to fix it?

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Windows Central Question

I switched off my Lumia but it was taking too long so I removed battery after that when I started it was keep showing me sad smiley on blue screen.
I tried to Hard reset but it didn't work.
I used Windows Phone Recovery Tool but it didn't work too.

and after trying 3-4 times now its showing "UEFI error 1" and after 2 seconds its showing "ERROR: Unable to find a bootable option. Press any key to shut down."
UEFI is what is replacing BIOS... It is the bridge between hardware and OS... UEFI - Bing

Please try the Lumia Software Recovery Tool even though it is older than the WSRT... Use the "phone won't boot or respond" option. If that does not work you will have to seek qualified repair.

You can find LSRT here: How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software? - Microsoft - USA

Remember, Battery Pulls are a last ditch everything else failed method. They shouldn't be the result of impatience. As you discovered first hand they can damage your system.

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Good luck.

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