Why do people use Snapchat over any other messaging platform? ie. WhatsApp


New member
Nov 1, 2014
SnapChat seems to be unsupported for WP - so why the outcry for it?

Do people usually use more than one messaging app? I use WhatsApp, for my friends that don't, I txt.

Do people usually use more than one messaging app?


Mr. V
I'll try to bang out my take on it.

Snapchat is somewhat unique. I won't touch on its "nudez" reputation, since that's famous enough.

Sure, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are better messengers, but since Snapchat is fast, cleans itself up, its "cheap" and the bar for messages is then set really low.
The others don't really let you share "stories" to friends. But why not post to social media you say? As I said, the "bar" for snaps and stories is much lower, so its great for more mundane things, happenings, etc. Things you wouldn't post permanently, but are still nice to share. The comparison is somewhat apples to oranges. Snapchat is more spontaneous and whatnot.
You can easily take a photo, draw on it or caption it, send and move on with life in one fluid motion. Few others do it. CyberDust perhaps, but it doesn't have the mindshare.

I know I'm missing many parts of the puzzle, but I tried.
What's the point of sending something that'll delete itself quickly.....and

It cleans itself up.
You want to show someone what you're doing without clogging up memory and whatnot, not everything is needed for eternity.

and that's coming from a really sentimental person. You can screenshot what you want. But going away is the default and its liberating. Snap you new keyboard, your teddy bear, your beautiful tattoo on your forearm, etc.
SnapChat seems to be unsupported for WP - so why the outcry for it?

Do people usually use more than one messaging app? I use WhatsApp, for my friends that don't, I txt.

Do people usually use more than one messaging app?


Mr. V

The bottom line is, put very candidly, snapchat is for Porn lovers.
If any other popular messaging app had the ability of sending self destroying images...we wouldn't even have a snapchat. I really don't get why none of them have implemented it....
If any other popular messaging app had the ability of sending self destroying images...we wouldn't even have a snapchat. I really don't get why none of them have implemented it....

I've seen some mimicry elsewhere, but Snapchat's the de facto standard. People aren't going to switch anytime soon unless they screw up somehow.
Like Google+ vs. Facebook. It isn't what's better.

The bottom line is, put very candidly, snapchat is for Porn lovers.

That's about as correct as saying Windows Phone has no appzz and gamezzzz.

Snapchat requires someone to play ball with.
I'm sure people my age are flinging around nudes but there's more to it.
I've seen some mimicry elsewhere, but Snapchat's the de facto standard. People aren't going to switch anytime soon unless they screw up somehow.
Like Google+ vs. Facebook. It isn't what's better.

That's about as correct as saying Windows Phone has no appzz and gamezzzz.

Snapchat requires someone to play ball with.
I'm sure people my age are flinging around nudes but there's more to it.

Yes, I do agree there is more to it. There is also usefulness for every service. Its just that the majority of the users use it for the nudes lol
SnapChat seems to be unsupported for WP - so why the outcry for it?

Do people usually use more than one messaging app? I use WhatsApp, for my friends that don't, I txt.

Do people usually use more than one messaging app?


Mr. V

Because they want to do their " something fishy" on snapchat.
There is something to the ephemeal quality of the posts on snapchat. At my last place of employment, some coworkers and I would send joke pics back and forth. I'd have no desire to save the pics that I took on 6snap to my camera roll out to OneDrive., they were things like pics of my desk phone to joke about our importance if we got a call from the president of the company, or similar things. I changed jobs, so I left that group of people and there wasn't anybody else I contacted via snapchat. So, not having it on my phone doesn't bother me, but I do get its value.

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