Windows Central Question
I have a big trouble with AdMob these days, the fill rate dropped 90% in 2 days. On May 6, my fill rate was 99%, on next day was 40% and on May 8 was 10% and not increased anymore. I found on Internet, other devs with same issue. Everyone starting on May 7.
The contract of Google with advertisers was terminated? That's normal? Somebody know?
Is it a located problem or is happening with all WP devs?
By now I'm using pubCenter (AdMediator), not is good enough, but is better than AdMob.
The contract of Google with advertisers was terminated? That's normal? Somebody know?
Is it a located problem or is happening with all WP devs?
By now I'm using pubCenter (AdMediator), not is good enough, but is better than AdMob.