Many years ago I signed up for Xbox Live using an alternate email address which I used for forums/online activities (i.e. non-serious). Simultaneously I maintained a separate Microsoft account for MSN which was linked to my proper Gmail address for important things. Fast forward and I use that Microsoft account with Office 365 Home, Skype, Windows login, etc...
I want to take my Gamertag from my original alternate email and move it to my proper one but it seems this is not possible. I have read the Microsoft article titled "Move your Xbox Live profile to another Microsoft account on Xbox 360" (I can't link yet as not enough posts here) and unfortunately run into an issue because my MS account has subscriptions.
Has anyone got any ideas because my Office subscription won't expire until 2016 (I paid a few years in advance since it was on sale).
Note: I have also purchased games and have previously had credit in my Xbox account on the alternate email address which I'd like to retain.
I want to take my Gamertag from my original alternate email and move it to my proper one but it seems this is not possible. I have read the Microsoft article titled "Move your Xbox Live profile to another Microsoft account on Xbox 360" (I can't link yet as not enough posts here) and unfortunately run into an issue because my MS account has subscriptions.
Has anyone got any ideas because my Office subscription won't expire until 2016 (I paid a few years in advance since it was on sale).
Note: I have also purchased games and have previously had credit in my Xbox account on the alternate email address which I'd like to retain.