WPCentral Question
Hi All,
Myself new member to windowscentral..
trying to Open command prompt to access folders of a USB connected windows phone.
Tried several commands like
wmic logicaldisk get name to view drives,but it is not.
GET-WMIOBJECT win32_diskdrive | Where { $_.InterfaceType -eq 'USB' }
and wmi commands in powershell.
Could someone suggest me the best way to accomplish,instead of using any tool.
My task is to access the mobile do language settings on my phone using powershell commands.
Phone configuration : lumia 1020, win 8.
Myself new member to windowscentral..
trying to Open command prompt to access folders of a USB connected windows phone.
Tried several commands like
wmic logicaldisk get name to view drives,but it is not.
GET-WMIOBJECT win32_diskdrive | Where { $_.InterfaceType -eq 'USB' }
and wmi commands in powershell.
Could someone suggest me the best way to accomplish,instead of using any tool.
My task is to access the mobile do language settings on my phone using powershell commands.
Phone configuration : lumia 1020, win 8.