With rooms ending, how can I share a calendar?

Squatting Hen

New member
Apr 15, 2012
Title says it all. This is an important feature in our household. We add calendar events to the room and it shows on our phones. Without Rooms, how can we easily continue doing what we are doing?
First of all, allow me to explain I'm not offering advice. Just what we do in my house.
Second, I never used rooms so I don't know what I'm missing.
Anyway... Me and my wife share calendar events across platforms ( she has a note 3 I'm on 1520) by simply making a "dummy" email. We don't use it for anything besides the calendar. One of us adds an event, it adds to all devices with the account installed, like our tablets. Maybe someone else could offer a solution but that's what we do.
Use google calendar - it's much easier and everyone can access it
The rooms "feature" in windows phones ..... what a joke - they were having a laugh when they invented it!
I use my Outlook calendar how I always do and if I want my wife included in something I simply add her via her primary email in my contacts list. If you are adding multiple people I could see where that might be time consuming.

The dummy account mentioned sounds like a good idea as well and the Calendar App on Windows phone will integrate all your email accounts calendars on one view

Use google calendar - it's much easier and everyone can access it
The rooms "feature" in windows phones ..... what a joke - they were having a laugh when they invented it!

What? I certainly hope not everyone can access my personal calendar on a Google Account!!! I think you may have misstated something there.
in outlook calendar create a new category (i don't know how it's called exactly) than add appointments to it, and share that sub calendar to your wife. i have two of them for my two musical groups, and one for my school.
it's very simple actually.
Thanks everyone. I will take a look at the options. Rooms has been easy as I set it up for us two or so years ago and it just works. We don't use it for chat, pictures, or anything else except calendar. I do like how the live tile of the room shows me if there is a new calendar update, and it goes right to our calendars. I just needs to be EASY for her to use it. :-)

I just need whatever we add to go to our calendar on windows phone.
Actually, your room calendars won't be going anywhere. You just won't be able to make new rooms or use the chat. I have the same system and it seems like it won't be disrupted. The family room calendar basically IS the "dummy email" idea mentioned above.
Actually, your room calendars won't be going anywhere. You just won't be able to make new rooms or use the chat. I have the same system and it seems like it won't be disrupted. The family room calendar basically IS the "dummy email" idea mentioned above.

Thanks. I thought I read that if/when we get windows 10, it will no longer be there. Our 920's should get the update at some point.
Actually, your room calendars won't be going anywhere. You just won't be able to make new rooms or use the chat. I have the same system and it seems like it won't be disrupted. The family room calendar basically IS the "dummy email" idea mentioned above.

I thought that, but then the email I got about the changes said "Additionally, you and other room members won't be able to send any new room chat messages or create any new calendar events."
I think we will have to find another solution.
The situation with Family Room (FM) is confusing: I received one email that though support was ending, it could still be used. Then another one came out saying no new items could be added.

My wife and I bit the bullet and decided to adopt one of our calendars and to share it. I went to Outlook.com and shared it using her email address.

She got an email that gave her a couple of links. The first said tapping it would set up the calendar on her device. The second one gave her the option to see the combined calendar on outlook.com.

My wife tapped the first one but nothing happened even though she could see the new items on outlook.com appear on her calendar.

We persevered and tried it again a couple of times, sometimes using her live.com address and other times with her ISP address. 2-3 days later suddenly the shared items started appearing in her phone calendar. Don't know what worked but it did. HTH somebody.
I originally did the dummy email address with a calendar to share with my wife and I. Except that it is a little bit of a pain, because it's another account to maintain. The easier way to do it is to create a new calendar in your primary Microsoft account. When creating the calendar, click SHARE, add your wife as Co-Owner. She'll be able to access it as though it were her calendar.
I originally did the dummy email address with a calendar to share with my wife and I. Except that it is a little bit of a pain, because it's another account to maintain. The easier way to do it is to create a new calendar in your primary Microsoft account. When creating the calendar, click SHARE, add your wife as Co-Owner. She'll be able to access it as though it were her calendar.
Exactly!!! The calendar created when you make a Room is essentially a Shared calendar. The Room functionality just does all the work behind the scenes. The Rooms would also create a Shared folder in OneDrive.
I originally did the dummy email address with a calendar to share with my wife and I. Except that it is a little bit of a pain, because it's another account to maintain. The easier way to do it is to create a new calendar in your primary Microsoft account. When creating the calendar, click SHARE, add your wife as Co-Owner. She'll be able to access it as though it were her calendar.

Will it work across platforms? My windows phone to her android and vice versa? I have other calendars under my email but those aren't on her phone.

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