This is my first ever windows phone or experience with one, so bear with me. [cringes]
-I have the HTC One M8 with Verizon.
-It's running Windows 8.1 update 2
-I haven't the slightest idea what Windows Insider is so perhaps that would be a no?
-I do have a micro sd card that my photos save to
-My hat size is large, though this phone is making me feel it may just be empty space that hat sits on top of.
I have toggled the setting to save photos to the phone instead of the SD card then snapped a few and tried to use a photo attachment without resolve.
I can select a photo from the photo tile or camera roll then select share and send it in a message that way. However when I try to use the paperclip to attach one in any app, it takes me to the browsing screen, which gives me the message "Snap some pictures, and they'll show up here."
I can't do anything on this screen at all. No swiping. The camera button fails to launch the camera. It just taunts me rudely then vanishes, leaving me hot and bothered. On some media formats, this is the only way to upload a picture. It's frustrating stuff.