W Windows Central Question May 18, 2015 #1 Why suddently the blue download and watch offline button is dissapeard from the youtube of uc browser?
Why suddently the blue download and watch offline button is dissapeard from the youtube of uc browser?
Harrie-S Retired Ambassador Sep 26, 2014 5,378 0 0 May 18, 2015 #2 You should contact the developer of UC browser but in the review of the app in the Store similar remarks are made so it should be a bug or YouTube changed something. Upvote 0 Downvote
You should contact the developer of UC browser but in the review of the app in the Store similar remarks are made so it should be a bug or YouTube changed something.
AmGaD-SaLaH New member Apr 18, 2014 350 0 0 May 18, 2015 #3 It's still there for me Maybe refreshing the page should help or change agent Upvote 0 Downvote
P Promnia New member May 21, 2015 12 0 0 May 22, 2015 #4 It might have something to do with the fact that google doesn't allow third party apps using the API to do that anymore Upvote 0 Downvote
It might have something to do with the fact that google doesn't allow third party apps using the API to do that anymore