Lol someone doesn't sound too happy. Anyway, we actually need to do something to bring Snapchat. If you look up Snapchat windows phone on twitter, you'll see many people tweeting about the situation. We need something to do and Rudy Huyn in my opinion would we the best person to ask to make a secret app or something. But Windows phone users need to do something
I'm none too happy about all the kvetching over this. It is an App we don't have and probably will never see, move on somehow. Find an alternative App or migrate to a platform that has it. (Personally, I think it would be silly to invest all that money in new hardware and a new ecosystem for so frivolous an App. {Case in point, when my bank, BoA, pulled its App I didn't post demands that they bring it back now and I didn't threaten to - or actually move to - another platform. I simply got my business in order and moved my funds to another bank that supports my platform of choice.}) It's just an App. It won't save anyone's life. It is not breaking the functionality of devices to not have this App. It's all been said umpteen million times at this point but the new threads and resurrection of the old threads continues almost daily. You could say "then don't read them..." and that would be fine, except as an Ambassador I'm supposed to be reading as much as I can and giving straight forward solutions and help to people. It's my volunteer job, but I take it seriously.
If you had read as much about SnapChat as I have in the last 6 or 8 months this has been going on via posts, blogs and news reports in tech media; you should have come to the same conclusions I have. It ain't happening and all the twitbook action, hand wringing, wailing, gnashing of teeth and threatening to huff off to iDroid won't change that outlook.
I'm simply trying to "keep it real" and advise the OP of the facts I stated. We at Windows Central do not control this. Microsoft does not control this. Only SnapChat can and they have made it pretty clear they don't care. If that means leaving the platform so you can get your SnapChat on... Then have a great ride. Don't squawk the squawk, strut your stuff and just do it.
Does anyone really think Evan Spiegel is reading this statement and others like it:
bring back official snapchat or i m changing my phone back to andriod
...and is saying to himself, "Wow, I just gotta get in there and support Windows Phone with an official App!!!"
IMHO, all of this only feeds into the dude's ego. I for one am not going to stroke that...