Why is Metrotube using cellular data for preloaded videos?

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I use MetroTube and have some videos preloaded on it. Recently I got a warning from my carrier that my cellular data had only 50 MB left. I found it strange, since I use it very sparingly and usually have over 400 MB of my 500 MB left at the end of each month.

Since I was watching a preloaded video on MetroTube when I got the warning, I did this:

- checked with the carrier how much data I had left, they replied 42 MB
- watched a preloaded video with MetroTube
- checked with the carrier again, they replied 18 MB

It's quite clear to me that MetroTube is using my cellular data while showing a preloaded video, which makes no sense.

I also tried disabling Wi-Fi and cellular data, and then playing the same video, just to ensure that the video is available locally, and it is, so it's possible to display the video without using cellular data.

Can someone shed some light on this? I suppose MetroTube can use a bit of data to get stuff like the latest comments, but the data draining suggests that it is using way too much.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the tip, but my Data Sense app only tells me how much I am over or under my limit, it doesn't show usage per app.

Anyone else know what might be happening?
Best guess... It is using the data to fetch advertising. Try spending the $0.99 for purchase to remove ads or put your phone in airplane mode when watching. :winktongue:
The amount of data used is not consistent with that theory. How could an app use 20 MB for ads in about 2 minutes??

In any case, thanks for the help. I'll just download the videos manually some other way, I don't use the app for anything else anyway.
(Note: I don't use any YouTube Apps, never have and never had a need to.)

So what is Metrotube doing? Beaming all your info up to the mothership? It's either broken or shady. Yeah, I'd avoid it.
(Note: I don't use any YouTube Apps, never have and never had a need to.)

So what is Metrotube doing? Beaming all your info up to the mothership? It's either broken or shady. Yeah, I'd avoid it.

They could be downloading the max quality video stream and parsing the audio.

MetroTube was the first "high-quality" 3rd party YouTube app for WP8. In my mind this commands some level of respect for their project, and I really appreciate their efforts. Especially how they hung around after Microsoft pulled their own app haha.
They could be downloading the max quality video stream and parsing the audio.

MetroTube was the first "high-quality" 3rd party YouTube app for WP8. In my mind this commands some level of respect for their project, and I really appreciate their efforts. Especially how they hung around after Microsoft pulled their own app haha.

But the OP states this data drain is happening when he watches already downloaded videos. That is a lot of data going where exactly???

You yourself state that it cost you 1GB data to listen to 10 songs. You don't find that an excessive amount?

Highest Quality video streaming from Netflix estimates at 2.3GB per hour (Hacking NetFlix : Ever Wonder How Much Bandwidth Netflix Streaming Uses?).

Again, I don't see a need for a YouTube App. I can't see the fuss in it. It does not command instant respect from me and if the App drains data at 10MB/minute while using it to watch an already downloaded video then something is seriously wrong...
But the OP states this data drain is happening when he watches already downloaded videos. That is a lot of data going where exactly???

You yourself state that it cost you 1GB data to listen to 10 songs. You don't find that an excessive amount?

Highest Quality video streaming from Netflix estimates at 2.3GB per hour (Hacking NetFlix : Ever Wonder How Much Bandwidth Netflix Streaming Uses?).

Again, I don't see a need for a YouTube App. I can't see the fuss in it. It does not command instant respect from me and if the App drains data at 10MB/minute while using it to watch an already downloaded video then something is seriously wrong...

What I meant was that they have been committed to WP. To me "respect" is more nuanced than how you interpreted it. Like you said there is something terribly wrong with their downloading methods, and I would not be surprised if they were downloading videos despite being preloaded.

On YouTube ~15MB/min is the average for 720p. The songs I listened to were about 8 minutes per song. ~8*10*~15 ≈ 1.2GB.
I'd be afraid if 1GB of uploads were being made from the app :evil:

Anyways I understand that you do not see value in having a YouTube app, however there people who do (Including the OP). While driving I like to stream music from MyTube, more so than using Xbox Music Pass.

No offense (my apologies if I have) I don't think this squabble is helping the OP at all, so I will refrain from commenting, and will convey my concerns to the MetroTube team.
Hey, I'm all for supporting those devs that support the platform. I'm just trying to highlight how my usage doesn't lend itself to being expert in this type of App so that my comments can be viewed (properly) as coming from the outside...

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