Is excessive battery draining normal?


New member
Mar 4, 2015
Hi all, I just bought a Blu Win HD LTE phone. I am having some battery issues and so I was wondering if someone could help me. I don't know if i need to calibrate the battery or what.

Day 1: I bought it and turned it on and used it for the the rest of the day, and then charged it before i went to bed and unplugged it.
Day2: In the morning I checked the battery and it was around 93% so I thought that was pretty good. I used the phone during the day, charged it back up to 100 percent and used it some more all the way down to discharge. I plugged the phone in to charge it.
Day 3: I unplugged the phone this morning after a full night charge and took it with me into the living room. I ate some cereal and drank my coffee and then checked my phone about 45 min later from the point when i unplugged it and it said that the battery was already down to 77%.
So my question is, how is it that my battery is draining so quickly all of a sudden? Ive gone into battery saver and turned off some apps.
I've read that that some apps might cause drain despite what battery saver says so i deleted a few apps that i installed yesterday.
I've read some threads about battery calibration? And others about soft resets? I'm completely at a loss for what i should do.
That is in no way helpful at all. Please elaberate.

I am sorry I was distracted and accidently posted before finishing my write up. Anyway some say that lithium ion batteries take a few days of usage to adjust and settle down. A lot of people experience somewhat poor battery life the first days owning a phone. I'm not sure if the battery life you are experiencing in your first few days is normal or not, but if it continues within the next two days, I would send it in for warranty repair, or for convenience take it in to a Microsoft store for replacement

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