Why haven't I got the Windows 10 invite in task bar yet?

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why haven't i got win 10 invite in task bar yet

I have legal copy of win 7,have logged on and off a least a dozen times sine the 29th. Evan tried looking in setup at GWXTriggers it all looks right but clicking on run does nothing.
any ideas?
Re: why haven't i got win 10 invite in task bar yet

Yes I got a Win 10 invite! I just purchased a brand new Lenovo Thinkstation P300 about a month ago and then this week it appear on my task bar with a small popup asking if I wanted Windows 10? I said "Yes" and to comfirm it Microsoft wanted my email!
Re: why haven't i got win 10 invite in task bar yet

If all set you should just wait, some people report of getting invitation late. I got it on June 1.
Re: why haven't i got win 10 invite in task bar yet

There were three updates today but no change no invite. Wondering if I should download from win insider but only running one machine right now.
Re: why haven't i got win 10 invite in task bar yet

It might be a compatibility issue. I finally got mine to pop by forcing the task method. After I reserved there was a message saying my chipset may cause issues. Otherwise, you don't have the proper updates installed or not running a legitimate copy of Windows.
Did you already do something like using the methods suggested in above posts?

Because if you for example disable windows updates you will never get it.
And if you not indicate what you did we can not advice you what to do.

i did try it, but it seems that i had not yet have the 2 KB's for win 8.1.
and then i tried to do all the optional updates just now. maybe gonna try the notepad solution.

i'll let you know asap

btw 1 more question. i'm using 8.1 Single Language. is that a problem or is it fine and compatible?
Did you already do something like using the methods suggested in above posts?

Because if you for example disable windows updates you will never get it.
And if you not indicate what you did we can not advice you what to do.

Hi harrie, did you receive my PM? i got the result for the notepad config, but it seems it only run like 10 sec and the finish. did i do sth wrong? because the instruction was 10-30 mins of waiting.
Hi harrie, did you receive my PM? i got the result for the notepad config, but it seems it only run like 10 sec and the finish. did i do sth wrong? because the instruction was 10-30 mins of waiting.

I also do not know but if you post the result in this thread maybe someone else will know.

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current
Version\AppCompatFlags\UpgradeExperienceIndicators" /v UpgEx | findstr UpgEx
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>if "1" == "0" GOTO RunGWX

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVe
rsion\AppCompatFlags\Appraiser" /v UtcOnetimeSend /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
The operation completed successfully.

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>schtasks /run /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Exp
erience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"
SUCCESS: Attempted to run the scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Exp
erience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser".

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>schtasks /query /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application E
xperience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"

Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience
TaskName Next Run Time Status
======================================== ====================== ===============
Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser 6/9/2015 12:03:13 AM Running

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>schtasks /query /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application E
xperience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" | findstr Ready

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>if NOT "1" == "0" ping localhost 1>nul & goto :Com

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>schtasks /query /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application E
xperience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser"

Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience
TaskName Next Run Time Status
======================================== ====================== ===============
Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser 6/9/2015 1:22:10 AM Ready

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>schtasks /query /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application E
xperience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" | findstr Ready
Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser 6/9/2015 1:24:10 AM Ready

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>if NOT "0" == "0" ping localhost 1>nul & goto :Com

C:\Users\Aser\Desktop\test>schtasks /run /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Setup\gwx\refre
SUCCESS: Attempted to run the scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Setup\gwx\refre

that is what i got from running the notepad configuration and it seems doesn't loopy like others and it only takes like 10 sec. does anyone get the same reaction? any suggestion?

if the lines above doesn't clear enough, i can post the ss of my cmd
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

Looks like you may not have the required KBs installed. Do a Windows Update, reboot, do another update check, etc until it comes up with no updates. Then run the KB check command again. Once both show up, the ReserveWin10.cmd batch file should work for you.
Re: why haven't i got win 10 invite in task bar yet


(Assuming all updates are installed and the updater is set to auto install) Try this method...

From the Control Panel click on Administrative Tools. Then click on Task Scheduler. Now, expand the Task Scheduler Library folder...expand the Microsoft folder...expand the Windows folder...scroll down to the Setup folder and expand it as well.

Now, click on the 'gwx' folder. With this folder selected you should see the Actions pane on the right hand side. Click on 'Run' under the Selected Item section.

If that doesn't activate it, try the same method on the 'GWXTriggers' folder.
Things to keep in mind. The app is hard coded for now not to allow domain joined computers to run the application. The program runs a windows 10 compatibility appraiser and if for some reason an item is flagged as breaking the windows 10 installation the task bar application will also not run. (Have seen this with a few mad cards)
Microsofts stance with this is to wait. More drivers are added and updated as we get closer to release and this may work by then.
Keep in mind that the only thing you are doing with the reservation is authorizing Microsoft to predownload the release version prior to launch. You will still be able to download windows 10 through windows update once release gets here if you don't use the reservation app.

Ps. The get windows x app is also located in the event viewer under (applications and services)-(Microsoft)-(Windows)-(GWX-Ins)-(Operational)
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