Hey Cortana!? on Lumia 930


New member
Aug 21, 2014
Hey guys, I would like to know if any of you managed to get the functionality "hey, Cortana" working. I tried several times but is like my microphone inst working, it never record my voice. Anyone have any idea of how to fix it? Thanks
The first time I set it up it was spotty. I hit the "clear training" button and tried again, and now it works ~80% of the time on the first try, and 100% of the time by the second try. I make sure to say "hey Cortana" in a fairly unique way with exaggerated inflections.
It seems like impossible. All the bubbles stay empty when I'm recording, and always it fails. There's only the train button option. And I spoke In a lot of different ways and no one work :(
If my L930 has been in standby for a while and sitting on my desk, Hey Cortana seems to be spotty at getting going. If I pick it up it seems to work well. It seems to work well after that unless left on standby on the desk for a while again.

Does it work well when your phone is out of standby? If so, not your mics. If not, time for a return (do try retraining and a factory reset before giving up though).
It never worked at all. I'm still trying to train the "hey Cortana" at settings option. But its impossible to train her. I get "sorry, didn't catch that" all the time :(
Yes, it's working normal for phone calls, even for Cortana (using the Bing button), for recording video's, etc. I soft reset my phone and still, all I got is: Sorry I didn't catch that. :(
Working for phone calls tells you little, as the 930 (for example) uses multiple mics for Cortana unlike for phone calls.

That said, it sounds like a factory reset may be a useful approach here.

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