Xbox music cloud ☁ matching on Windows 8.1

Snowy Nokia

New member
Jan 27, 2013
Hey everyone my question is concerning the ability to cloud match my music tracks to the cloud via a windows 8.1 PC.
I thought of myself an expert in it, but I guess we all need help at times.

Main issue currently Xbox music app on the PC is not offering to match music files to the cloud.
Has something changed over time with the app/service?
Are you experiencing something of similar?
Thx in advance!
Are you meaning the ability to match song so they are playable on all your devices?
If so, the feature was removed when onedrive integration was added, they want you to store all your music there now

However, there is a way still to do it (as long as you don't want to do lots at a time) works on a per album basis
add your local music to the app
go into the store and search for the album you just added
add this to your collection

win app will see the local files, other devices will see the streaming version
Thanks so much for updating me on the service change.
That totally blows, it was my favorite factor with the service.
I've matched over a 1,000 tracks in the past. I have Xbox music streaming service also so I just stream my collection.
I'll try out your trick.
This is totally a downgrade of a feature though.

Did they ever offer extra OneDrive storage for music storage?

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