My phone is dead ...What can I Do?

Mc Raw Atik

New member
Jun 12, 2015
:crying: When I was trying to upgrade it showed a massage about keeping my phone charged atleast 20 or maybe 30%......there was 39% charge in my mobile.
Search in youtube....
Recently a blogger shows how to hard reset windows phone using only three buttons in speciall pattern (vol. up n down and with lock button)
:crying: When I was trying to upgrade it showed a massage about keeping my phone charged atleast 20 or maybe 30%......there was 39% charge in my mobile.

Yeah... Those updates suck up a lot of battery. Plug in to the factory charger and wait. Your phone will boot when the battery wakes up and nbot before. Let it boot on it's own. If the update does not install on boot, you have to restart it manually. Best wait then until it charges to 100%

Search in youtube....
Recently a blogger shows how to hard reset windows phone using only three buttons in speciall pattern (vol. up n down and with lock button)

Recent for you maybe. This is known.

From powered down > Hold Volume Down and tap Power > When exclamation point screen appears release Volume Down > tap in order Volume Up / Volume Down / Power / Volume Down > phone resets with loss of all data, you will see the spinning gears.
The charger that came with your phone. It supplies exactly the output your phone's battery is looking for and is the best way to revive a 0% (fully discharged) battery.

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