My lumia 520 is dead

Ashok Kumar28

New member
Jun 19, 2015
Need your help after chat i locked my screen and after some time when i was trying to unlock screen by pressing power was not getting unlock my phone was not working i pluged in charger but there was no reponse from my phone i remove battery and after putting back still its not working i applied all triks like volume up n down button power botton and all but stil my phone is not responding... what to to plz help
Sounds like your battery ran down to 0%.

Plug in to the original charger that came with your phone and WAIT. Don't try and start it. The chip in the battery is in a coma. After a few hours it will wake up and the phone will boot by itself and then start charging normally from a very low charge. Only 3-6%, something like that, will be seen when the phone wakes despite being plugged in all that time. Let it charge to 100% and continue with normal life.
Ya.....i have tried this also but.....but it didnt work for me .when i contact with service center they said your phone is complet dead...and snd it to head office......and i have extented my phone warrenty can phone will be replaced ? Faceing my prblm without my phone... any suggestion? Plzzz
Ya.....i have tried this also but.....but it didnt work for me .when i contact with service center they said your phone is complet dead...and snd it to head office......and i have extented my phone warrenty can phone will be replaced ? Faceing my prblm without my phone... any suggestion? Plzzz

If they can't repaired it. It will be replaced with a new device

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