Lumia 2520 now ? Still a good idea ?


New member
Jul 28, 2014
I saw a used one online that sells for like 160? ... Should i get it ? I know it is not getting The full Windows 10 update ... But The price is tempting for such a beautiful hardware... Or should I just pay a little more and get an iPad air 1 ( it has a waaaay better app collection ) ? Any advices? Anyone has the 2 tablets ? Can u tell wich is better ?
Well, if it does all you want and more for the foreseeable future, I don't see how it can go wrong.

I'd say the question is whether you want something more PC-y or something like a big phone. Windows RT still behaves like normal Windows, just without the program compatibility to back it up.

I don't know what I'd do myself.
Well, if it does all you want and more for the foreseeable future, I don't see how it can go wrong.

I'd say the question is whether you want something more PC-y or something like a big phone. Windows RT still behaves like normal Windows, just without the program compatibility to back it up.

I don't know what I'd do myself.
The only Thing holding me is actually The uncertainty of the the windows 10 Update .. If it was certain I'd buy the tablet in a heartbeat ! I'm just afraid that ill regret it and that is way i am thinking of something more futur proof like the iPad air
I just got a Nokia Lumia 2520. I've never had any Apple tablet. I have had Acer Iconia A200, Nexus 7 (1st gen), and Dell Venue 8 Pro. (All past tense - the Nokia Lumia 2520 is currently my only tablet.)

160 Euros sounds too much. I paid $125 USD for a used one. The certainty is it will not see Windows 10. RT will remain an evolutionary backwater. There may be some hope for an expanded App store when Win 10 Mo becomes official. Just a gut feeling. Arm CPU and all that.

The screen is very nice. Crisp and bright. It seems plenty fast. SIM support is definitely a plus. Office good. Internal storage at 32 GB is fine by me.

I think it comes down to what you are going to expect from it. Productivity - yes. Web browsing - yes. Consume media - yes. Some time waster games- yes. Lots and Lots of Apps - no. Cool new things coming available - no is probably the truth; however Microsoft have pledged something is coming to RT for Surface... Will other RT tablets be invited to what Surface gets? No one seems to know definitively and only time will tell.

160 Euro is probably too much even for New in Box... It's a nice device. I like mine a lot so far, but I would not have paid much more for one at this point. It's a gamble.

P.S.: Accessories for it seem to be drying up as well... Don't forget you will need some things. A screen protector as the glass is a horrible fingerprint magnet. A dongle to convert microUSB 3.0 to full size. A folio case is always smart so you have a stand. A Bluetooth keyboard if you really want to be productive. These things add up. Consider them in the overall price you want to risk.
I just got a Nokia Lumia 2520. I've never had any Apple tablet. I have had Acer Iconia A200, Nexus 7 (1st gen), and Dell Venue 8 Pro. (All past tense - the Nokia Lumia 2520 is currently my only tablet.)

160 Euros sounds too much. I paid $125 USD for a used one. The certainty is it will not see Windows 10. RT will remain an evolutionary backwater. There may be some hope for an expanded App store when Win 10 Mo becomes official. Just a gut feeling. Arm CPU and all that.

The screen is very nice. Crisp and bright. It seems plenty fast. SIM support is definitely a plus. Office good. Internal storage at 32 GB is fine by me.

I think it comes down to what you are going to expect from it. Productivity - yes. Web browsing - yes. Consume media - yes. Some time waster games- yes. Lots and Lots of Apps - no. Cool new things coming available - no is probably the truth; however Microsoft have pledged something is coming to RT for Surface... Will other RT tablets be invited to what Surface gets? No one seems to know definitively and only time will tell.

160 Euro is probably too much even for New in Box... It's a nice device. I like mine a lot so far, but I would not have paid much more for one at this point. It's a gamble.

P.S.: Accessories for it seem to be drying up as well... Don't forget you will need some things. A screen protector as the glass is a horrible fingerprint magnet. A dongle to convert microUSB 3.0 to full size. A folio case is always smart so you have a stand. A Bluetooth keyboard if you really want to be productive. These things add up. Consider them in the overall price you want to risk.
Thx man... I think i am leaning to get me an ipad air ... They are more future proof with The Updates..
I'll just reiterate. It's a lovely piece of gear, just don't pay too much for it. Sellers should know its status in regards to not getting 10, but it is the buyer's due diligence to research issues with a device.

I love mine and am very happy with it. In terms of hardware, it's like a 1520 with a 10" screen. Just don't expect it to suddenly become modern. I would buy it again at the price I paid. I'm also well aware of what uses I need from a tablet having owned several.
I'd kind of agree with what has been said. I have one with the keyboard case and it is a great bit of kit. It does replace a laptop for me for productivity with office. The rest is browsing and netflix so it just works. They started out expensive however so that reflects in the used or reduced prices now. I'd say 160 euro is ok price wise when compared with what else you can get at that price however it is a risk.
Yeah ive kinda scratched The idea... Maybe getting an iPad air after all until Nokia Releases another Lumia tablet with Windows 10 on it
Does anyone like to add to this ?

Like others said. It's all about expectations.

I have a 2 year old Asus Touchscreen laptop with 8.1. Is it cutting-edge now? No. Is the W8.1 app catalog limited? Sure. But it does what I want it to do.

Same with the 2520. If you expect to get the newest apps and features you read about here (WinCent) then you may get jealous and unhappy. But I imagine that in real day to day use it would be great.

I'm a bit biased though as I put almost as much stock in good design and look and feel as I do tech specs and app selection.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Yeah but The only Thing i wanted is a Windows 10 update and then i would habe eben bought it if it was 300? because it is really well built and the screen just blowed me away ! Maybe wit an see if there is any word in an update .
Yeah but The only Thing i wanted is a Windows 10 update and then i would habe eben bought it if it was 300€ because it is really well built and the screen just blowed me away ! Maybe wit an see if there is any word in an update .

The word is out, it has been out for some time. The word is NO. Windows RT will not upgrade to Windows 10.

As I said earlier, only Surface tablets running RT are promised something. No reveal on what it will be or do - only that it is most emphatically not going to be 10. No word yes or no what will happen with other RT tablets.

If your criteria is Windows 10... I really like the look of Toshiba Encore 2 Write. Solid value there. It should be offered 10 like all other full desktop Windows tablets. I can't say 100% it will get 10. That is up to Toshiba to push it. Do some research on full Desktop Tablets or... BEST BET get a used Surface Pro series or the new Surface 3. Those are for sure getting Windows 10.
The word is out, it has been out for some time. The word is NO. Windows RT will not upgrade to Windows 10.

As I said earlier, only Surface tablets running RT are promised something. No reveal on what it will be or do - only that it is most emphatically not going to be 10. No word yes or no what will happen with other RT tablets.

If your criteria is Windows 10... I really like the look of Toshiba Encore 2 Write. Solid value there. It should be offered 10 like all other full desktop Windows tablets. I can't say 100% it will get 10. That is up to Toshiba to push it. Do some research on full Desktop Tablets or... BEST BET get a used Surface Pro series or the new Surface 3. Those are for sure getting Windows 10.

Yeeah i just didn't want to kill the hope .. IPad air it is then I guess .

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