Leaving windows, because of not receiving sms! Help!


New member
Feb 9, 2015

I had a 735 Lumia and now an 830, but although in general i am happy, one of the core operations of the phones is not always working for me. Sometimes i receive sms, sometimes not.
Sometimes i get at once 3-4 messages that i was supposed to get in the previous day, sometimes i never receive them!

I an fed up now, especially that i didn't receive a package at post office because i didn't read the notification sms.

So this is my story, but before i sell both of my Lumia phones, i was wondering if anyone faced the same problems with me and if you found any solution.

To actually establish if this is an issue with the phone, place the sim in someone else's phone and have someone text you
I don't think this has anything to do with the phone. cos for me my sms never failed to show up even on bad reception. I can be almost certain that it is due to your network. did you send a text to your phone and checked? and did you try the same test with same sim on different phones? how did you come to this conclusion that the phone was to be blamed?
You're blaming the wrong guy.

Understand your frustration (believe me, I'm stuck on WP10 10080!) But its not the phone.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Thank you guys! I have contact once more my carrier, i talked to them quite angrily unfortunately because they were not giving mw clear answers. I told them to give me a new Sim and then check what is going on. I will keep you posted, maybe someone else has the same issue.
But after a search on the internet a lot of 930 users have the same issue as myself.

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