Hahahaha .... ok, I thought I was missing something. I searched 'wicrosoft lumps' ---- thinking it was some sort of weird game from the store. Possibly one of those Hidden Gems. So ---- that was a vain exercise ... waste of finger energy --- ... I *think* my lightning fast mind has figured it out --- finally --- and thanks for making my scowl lines a tad more pronounced.:winktongue: *mumbles to self - "wicrosoft lumps" smh*
Aww, why'd yyou do that? Everyone could tell what it meant.I edited the title.
It'll help if someone else happens to do a forum search. Otherwise, I would've left it alone.Aww, why'd yyou do that? Everyone could tell what it meant.
Wicrosofttm holds all your lumps safely then folds neatly for easy storage after use.