Phone automatically restart when install update.

ajaya p

New member
Feb 10, 2014
Yesterday i try to update windows 10 mobile 10149 from windows phone 8.1.
but after download update i press restart. After restart when there are two setting icon and a loading bar appear without fill loading my phone automatically restart again show two setting again restart.
please please help me.
What phone? Take your memory card out if you have one... People need more details than what you provided.

I am using nokia Lumia 620. after download update Every time when I try to install update every time showing Two setting icon then automatically switch off. Again open and show Two setting then automatically switch off. So please help how to install the update.

please help bro. Sorry for my bad English.
Yes I plugged in a charger and after hard reset my phone memory 3.4gb space in my storage. After hard reset i update my phone.
please help.
Hello.. The same problem happen on my nokia lumia 520. Automaticaly restarting and only showing the two rotating wheel for some seconds and again restarts and the process continuing until i discharge the phone. Please help me too..

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