Windows user needs iOS help please! Where can I get some free software?


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Oct 28, 2013
Windows user needs ios help please !

I have an iPhone 4s version 7.0.6
I want to get all my music, photos, videos off this phone. I have major issues with iTunes and just can't go there, it really does my head in. Is there any other free software that can do a similar job?

I have already asked this question over in the imore forums but no replies yet!

Re: Windows user needs ios help please !

iTunes is a total nightmare...easily the worst synchronisation software ever developed. Have you tried accessing the phones files through Windows file explorer i.e. connect your phone to your windows laptop, open file explorer, click the computer icon in the left pane. It will show your hard drive as well as any removable drives synced to the computer....your iphone should show up there. Click on it and see if there are any obvious music, picture and video files that can be cut and pasted onto your computer c:drive

It's not guaranteed to work but worth a wife has a similar problem with her old ipad....there is about 15GB of photos and videos that simply refuse to move from the machine. As it's only a 16GB model it's rendered the whole machine useless.....the only option left to her is a hard/factory reset which means losing everything that's not backed up to the cloud

Good luck :)

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