Windows Central Question
So my 920 has been misbehaving for past few months. From time to time the performance gets sluggish, going to home screen might result in "Loading..." for 10-15 seconds. Applications hang and crash on startup... etc.
This is not happening all the time, the phone is still it pretty much usable state, but when it does it's frustrating.
So I think, what if I do a factory reset? In the old days, when Windows started to work slowly you reinstall it. Maybe I should do the same to the phone? =D
The only question is, how much stuff I will loose and will have to spend time restoring from backups after reset like that?
I assume the settings of apps are stored in the cloud, so just reinstalling them I should get it all back. Same with photos and videos - all that is on my onedrive. Contacts, mail, messages - all that should be in the cloud too, right?
Am I missing something? Anyone did something like that recently and can share experience?
This is not happening all the time, the phone is still it pretty much usable state, but when it does it's frustrating.
So I think, what if I do a factory reset? In the old days, when Windows started to work slowly you reinstall it. Maybe I should do the same to the phone? =D
The only question is, how much stuff I will loose and will have to spend time restoring from backups after reset like that?
I assume the settings of apps are stored in the cloud, so just reinstalling them I should get it all back. Same with photos and videos - all that is on my onedrive. Contacts, mail, messages - all that should be in the cloud too, right?
Am I missing something? Anyone did something like that recently and can share experience?