Crashing when I lock my pc: (windows key + L) Windows 10 Enterprise v10240 x64. How can I fix this?

Bmuzammil Spears

New member
Aug 1, 2015
Crashing when I lock my pc: (windows key + L) Windows 10 Enterprise v10240 x64

Crashing when I lock my PC: (Windows key + L)

Windows 10 Enterprise v10240 x64

is anyone else having this problem or is it just me please leave a comment.
if this problem is resolved by updating my windows I will leave a message here.

thank you!
Re: Crashing when I lock my pc: (windows key + L) Windows 10 Enterprise v10240 x64

I upgraded to win10 pro over the weekend and im sitting with the same problem. I thought updating my gpu drivers would solve the problem but it didn't. I deleted the old drivers and used ddu to remove all traces of the drivers and did a fresh install. I went so far as to update my ssd's firmware to see if it was maby the cause. This is sadly a deal breaker and if updates dont resolve this issue i will be forced to downgrade to win 7 again. Seriously wished that the upgrade to 10 would be a smooth one. Really disappointing since everything else seems to work:angry::angry::angry: .I get a blue screen with system_service_exception_wdf01000.sys when i try to lock my system using winkey+l. Still trying to solve the issue will keep you posted.
Re: Crashing when I lock my pc: (windows key + L) Windows 10 Enterprise v10240 x64

Ok after sleepless nights I have managed to solve my issue. Since everything I tried didn't work I decided to back up all my data, format my drive and do a clean install and let windows do updates to everything. I think the problem has to do with you're video drivers not updating correctly even though it says that you're device is working properly. If you jumped from a previous os try reverting to it and completely uninstalling your display drivers first before you do the jump and let windows do the rest. If all else fail do a backup and do a clean install. Hope this is helpfull.

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