Windows Central Question
Screen stuck after turning pc on prior to entering password
I start laptop, get the windows 10 symbol while pc is loading. Prior to next screen where sign in and password required, screen gets stuck and is blank. I've tried restarting but nothing. Just happened tonight after I had been using it. I also have screen saver set up which works after 15 or 30 seconds of inactivity. Not sure if that may be where is stuck. Has anyone experienced this or suggestions on how to fix it?? Ty
I start laptop, get the windows 10 symbol while pc is loading. Prior to next screen where sign in and password required, screen gets stuck and is blank. I've tried restarting but nothing. Just happened tonight after I had been using it. I also have screen saver set up which works after 15 or 30 seconds of inactivity. Not sure if that may be where is stuck. Has anyone experienced this or suggestions on how to fix it?? Ty