Windows Central Question
Search on windows 10 not working correctly
Hey all,
So, I installed windows 10 yesterday, first as an upgrade over 8.1 and later on did a clean install.
At first the search was working fine, but now my apps won't show up in the search results. When typing it shows settings that I can open or files, but not actual apps that are present in my start menu.
I don't have Cortana (living in Belgium). On top of the search screen it also keeps saying "Preparing search" (I translated it from dutch "Zoekfunctie voorbereiden...", so not sure what the actual english text is).
I tried rebuilding my index, but that doesn't change anything.
Anyone got an idea?
Thank you in advance.
Hey all,
So, I installed windows 10 yesterday, first as an upgrade over 8.1 and later on did a clean install.
At first the search was working fine, but now my apps won't show up in the search results. When typing it shows settings that I can open or files, but not actual apps that are present in my start menu.
I don't have Cortana (living in Belgium). On top of the search screen it also keeps saying "Preparing search" (I translated it from dutch "Zoekfunctie voorbereiden...", so not sure what the actual english text is).
I tried rebuilding my index, but that doesn't change anything.
Anyone got an idea?
Thank you in advance.