Default location in Windows 10

Robbed Time

New member
May 22, 2013
How do I set my current location in Windows 10 on desktop PC (no GPS)? Cortana, maps, weather all believe me to be about 150 miles away from where I am actually.
There is no way to set the default system location, unfortunately. If you have a cable or DSL provider, at least in the US, your location will be accurate. If you're using public Wi-Fi, your location will be accurate. If you use your phone's hotspot, your location will be accurate. If you use dial-up or satellite internet, it's going to be Wonky, because your ISP doesn't provide the service properly. There may be other reasons as well.

I do wish Microsoft would allow us to set that when it's incorrect, though.

There is a way to set your default location within the weather app, and you can set a location in the maps app. Each app is specific, and some allow it and others don't. Can't help any further than that at this time.
Thanks for that info, very helpful. I found the weather app setting but Cortana weather still wrong, and events and nearby and just about everything she can give me (except basic search!). I use Cortana on my phone all the time and it surprises me now how useless she is without location - actually how worse than useless she is with the wrong location. I'm turning off Cortana on desktop for now :(
I understand what you mean by Cortana being useless without location. I had tested Windows 10 on the phone for a while many, many months ago, and Cortana was using the IP address instead of my phone's GPS, and it was painful. I'd ask her my current location, and she'd tell me Kansas or Georgia or Kentucky, but never the state I'm in.

That's much improved now, but I still think MS needs to allow you to plug in a default system location.

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