Windows activation via insider's program?

DaKine 73

New member
Mar 23, 2015
Has any one gotten their copy of Windows 10 activated via windows insider?

I've been in the program for almost a year and have gotten all the windows 10 previews on my system. I got the 10240 rtm build in my system via upgrade from the insiders program.

Like all tech enthusiast I decided to do a clean install on my system with a fresh windows 10 RTM from the windows website. It all ran smooth and working fine.

Now I enrolled back on the program using the options on the windows update settings, I did a restart buy still not activated.

I heard that the insiders program is on hold due to the RTM release. How true is this? Anyone else with this issue. Did anyone got this fixed?
Hi, I have a similar issue. Windows Insider programme updated my Surface Pro 2 after July 29th. It said 'Windows 10 Pro' in the About section of Settings, and the build number disappeared from the desktop. So I assumed that meant it was now my official Win 10.

I then performed a clean install via the downloadable USB installation - in retrospect I likely should have just 'Reset' the PC from Settings (but when you want RTM, you want the proper RTM as much as possible). Since then my copy of Windows 10 won't Activate.

Speaking to MS Support they suggested, initially to find the Product Key via a PowerShell method, and input it into the Activation screen.. But that didn't help. So they suggested installing Windows 8, and upgrading to Windows 10. Logical, but laborious.

Since downloading the Surface Pro 2 recovery image I have had no end of trouble trying to get Windows 8 to install. In fact all I've achieved is re-installing Windows 10 at least 3 times, in various different ways (I might set up another post about that!). It seems Windows 10 doesn't want me to go backwards.

And yet it certainly doesn't want me to go forwards and activate my copy of Windows 10. So any update you have on ideas, put them in the thread.

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