Windows Central Question
Windows 10 - Start Menu, Settings, Taskbar all broken
I finally received the invitation to start Windows 10. It seemed to successfully install apart from a black screen after installation was finished. No matter, I shut it down and restarted. After I log back in, I don't see any of the apps (Chrome, Skype, etc.) on the taskbar. I wait a while, and they do eventually show. Clicking them does nothing. Clicking the Start menu does nothing. Attempting a search does nothing. A hard reset does nothing. It seems like explorer crashes every few minutes. I can't open Settings to revert to Windows 7, so I'm absolutely stuck.
Can someone please help? My laptop appears to be one step above bricked. It's an Acer 4739Z-4462.
I finally received the invitation to start Windows 10. It seemed to successfully install apart from a black screen after installation was finished. No matter, I shut it down and restarted. After I log back in, I don't see any of the apps (Chrome, Skype, etc.) on the taskbar. I wait a while, and they do eventually show. Clicking them does nothing. Clicking the Start menu does nothing. Attempting a search does nothing. A hard reset does nothing. It seems like explorer crashes every few minutes. I can't open Settings to revert to Windows 7, so I'm absolutely stuck.
Can someone please help? My laptop appears to be one step above bricked. It's an Acer 4739Z-4462.