Lumia 540 Front Camera Issue

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Ajit Dash

New member
Dec 3, 2014
hey guys and my dear wp devs..i use lumia 730 and my friend just got a lumia 540 with my advice to switch over to windows the issue is,540's front camera just stops responding on opening..while the back camera works without a glitch and the rest of the things in the phone are impressive and working fine..the phone is a week old and the problem started a day back..please help someone with a solution and a possible problem !! Thanks.
I just had that question in French...

Pour votre probl?me avec cam?ra frontale ne d?ployant, avez-vous essay? de Soft Reset ? Maintenez le Volume moins + bouton Power jusqu'? ce que le t?l?phone vibre et red?marre (environ 10 secondes). Cela permettra de r?soudre de nombreux p?pins.

Si cela ne fonctionne pas, ensuite vous devez Hard Reset votre appareil. ?teignez le t?l?phone > maintenez Volume moins > Appuyez sur Power > garder maintenant Volume moins jusqu'? ce que vous voyez l'?cran de point d'exclamation (!), puis rel?chez imm?diatement le Volume moins.

Maintenant appuyez sur Volume Plus / Volume moins / puissance / Volume moins.

Vous devriez voir les engrenages de la filature et votre t?l?phone sera reflasher la derni?re version de l'OS qui s'est tenue dans la r?cup?ration. Vous faire perdre des donn?es, mais revenir sur votre t?l?phone. Connectez-vous ? votre Microsoft Account et restaurer votre sauvegarde au cours de l'ensemble vers le haut.

Si cela ne r?sout pas votre probl?me, vous avez 99 % exclu du logiciel. Cela signifie que la faute est mat?riel et vous devriez obtenir r?paration.

For your problem with front camera not deploying, have you tried Soft Reset? Hold the Volume Down + Power button until the phone vibrates and restarts (approximately 10 seconds). This will solve many glitches.

If it does not, then you have to Hard Reset your device. Turn the phone off > hold Volume Down > press Power > keep Volume Down held until you see the (!) exclamation point screen, then immediately release the Volume Down.

Now press Volume Up / Volume Down / Power / Volume Down.

You should see the spinning gears and your phone will reflash the latest version of the OS which is held in the recovery. You lose data, but can recover much of it during setup. Log on to your Microsoft Account and restore your backup throughout the upwards.

If this does not solve your problem, you 99% excluded software. This means that the fault is hardware and you should seek repair.
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